This dredge was formerly built by Messrs. Thalerng Tin Dredge Co., Ltd., under the supervision and drawing-plan of "N.V. WERF HAARLEM-HOLAND" in year1928(B.E.2471),operated by Steam/Electric system.In 1934(B.E.2477) was turned over to Messrs. Southern Siamese Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., and around in year 1935(B.E.2478), it turned over again to Messrs. Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., under Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Ltd., Kuala Lumper, Malaya, before the 2nd Wolrd war. During the Wolrd war it was shut down for several years until re-operating when the war ceased down sometimes in 1945(B.E.2488)In 1952(B.E.2495) (Post war) the Dredge in terms to to alter from steam/Electric into Diesel/Electric by Anglo-Oriental (Malaya) Ltd., Kuala Lumper.On November 1972(B.E.2515) it was sold to Messrs. United Pipon Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.,Phuket.In 1976(B.E. 2519) the dredge was re-altered from Diesel/Electric to All-Electric on account of the increment of fuels, but the 3 Unites " CROSSLEY" Engines were stand-by when the current interrupted